Which Character From Friends is Justin Trudeau?


Using an advanced algorithm, we subjected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to a series of tests to determine which member of the Central Perk gang he best resembled.

His results are as follows:


You’re Rachel Green!

You’re cute, fun, and everybody just won’t stop talking about how great your hair is!

parade-3-2.jpgYou’re charismatic and you dress well, so it’s totally okay that you feel free to take advantage of the affection of all the people in your life, whether they be the pathetic, desperate Gunther or the pathetic, desperate Canadian public.  Nobody actually does all the things they say they will.  There’s nothing wrong with being a spoiled little daddy’s girl: own it, sister!

But hey, you’re not perfect; sometimes you have a really hard time deciding what you actually want, be it a relationship with Ross or actually living up to your campaign promises on electoral reform!  What’s the big deal, folks?  if you’re going to leave a dentist at the altar, you may as well leave environmental ethics waiting up there, too.  The uninhibited single life, or uninhibited pipelines to rape the bowels of your great nation, you do what you want!  You’re strong and independent!

jusrach.pngBesides: you’re your own person!  You’re allowed to make mistakes.  Whether drunkenly marrying your former sweetheart while vacationing in Las Vegas, or spewing a load of drivel about how fantastic a leader the oppressive dictator Fidel Castro was, you’ll always find a way to bounce back!  Don’t worry about the dumb things you say or do; everyone else will come around.  After all, you’re pretty!

And, sure, maybe you’re not exactly qualified for your job, be it as a buyer for Ralph Lauren or the Prime Minister of Canada… but that’s okay!  You’ve got the only things that matter more than intelligence, hard-work, perseverance and ability: good looks and charisma.